
Coherent Connect

Leads qualification and nurturing across social channels to drive efficient sales growth.
coherent connect
Meet coherent connect

Meet Coherent Connect

Coherent Connect empowers your teams by delivering qualified and nurtured leads. Simply upload lists of prospect data and our platform will manage the nurturing process until the individual lead is sales ready.

With Connect, you can schedule timely, relevant messages that promote your products, build brand awareness, drive qualified leads growth, and unlock opportunities to cross-sell and up-sell.

Create effective nurturing strategies

With integrations across the most popular social media platforms, Coherent Connect lets you easily create, customize, manage, and measure the effectiveness of your leads nurturing strategies.

With real-time engagement metrics and robust leads scoring, you have the ability to make data driven decisions, optimizing your content at pace to drive conversion. This continuous stream of data also allows you to quickly test and iterate digital strategies across various channels in a single platform, saving you time.


create effective campaigns

Deliver a better customer experience to drive sales

With Coherent Connect, your social media strategies will reach important new clients and help you grow your relationships, qualifying leads and driving new sales for your business.
target customer engagement

Targeted customer engagement

Engage potential customers at the right time with tailored content that is most relevant to their financial needs and objectives. With every new interaction, we create a more personalized experience for each lead.

Nurture your relationships

Develop and reinforce relationships with customers at every step of the sales journey, with personalized content based on their profile, life stage or other key sales readiness indicators.

nurture relationships
save time by focusing on high scoring leads

Save time by focusing on high scoring leads

We enable the leads qualification process so you can spend time engaging with qualified and nurtured leads, instead of starting from square one.

case study connect
case study connect

Case study

Learn how AIA Indonesia leveraged Coherent Connect to increase engagement with current customers and also reach new prospects.

Ready to see how Connect can work for you?

Let us show you how Coherent Connect can empower your teams with qualified and high scoring leads. Contact us today for a customized demo.

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